Read with Grandparents Week

This is a great chance for grandma or grandpa to come into the classroom and interact with the children, bringing their experience, wisdom, and personality to share with the new generation!

Bring a Pet to School

Dogs and cats and snakes oh my! During Pet week in September we throw open the doors and let all our animal friends come to school and visit. Ms. Mary can bring her little lamb, and Ms. Muffat her 8 legged arachnid, but we do ask that the visit is limited to a specific time...

Fire Truck Visits

Our local fire department stops by for a visit, and brings along some very cool equipment to show off! The kids love seeing, touching and climbing into a real fire engine. After a brief safety demonstration our local fire department lets the children ask questions, hold gear, and explore the fire fighting equipment. From turning on...

Kindergarten Field Trip: Pumpkin Patch

Our private kindergarten goes on monthly field trips. This month they are heading out to the pumpkin patch for hay rides, pumpkin treats, and fun! Parents always welcome, mark your calendar so you can chaperone this exciting field trip.  

Open House

ABC Child Care Village is inviting you to their fall open house! There will be food and entertainment available, bring everyone to the party!  

Tooth Fairy Visit

Guess who's coming to visit? Our very own Tooth Fairy! She has been visiting ABC for over 20 years, and is pure magic as she sings, dances, and talks with the children about proper dental health.

Dentist Puppet Show

ABC Welcomes Dr. Bakers's office as they teach us all about proper dental hygiene and what a trip to the dentist is all about!  

Pony Pictures

Yee - Haw partners! Whatever Little Pony is coming with their happy little pony friends to give rides and pose for pictures! You can choose from the packages they offer after they they come in, so you don't have to decide now, you can wait until you see them to purchase the photos. Watch for...